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Winter School for Programming for Primary School Students and Winter Seminar for Computer Science Teachers

pre 7 godine

The four-day Winter School of Competitive Programming for Primary Schools and the Winter Seminar for Computer Science Teachers began on Monday, February 4 in the premises of the IT High School in Belg

Aiming to promote competitive programming in primary schools, the Petlja Foundation and the IT High School in Belgrade joined forces and organised the Winter School of Competitive Programming for Primary Schools, before the start of the new season of computer science competitions. The school is intended for both current district, state or SIO level competitors, as well as young mathematicians and physicists who participated in state-level competitions in these fields last year, and who would like to learn the basics of programming in the Python programming language.

Together with the Winter School for students, a Winter Seminar for Computer Science primary school teachers will also be held in the IT High School. The seminar aims to strengthen the capacity of teachers who prepare students for these competitions. 

The Winter School will be attended by 65 students, while 32 teachers will participate in the Winter Seminar.