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Record Number of Applications for the Third Summer School of Programming

4 months ago

Over 300 students from upper elementary grades across Serbia have expressed their desire to gain knowledge and experience in the world of programming.

For the third consecutive year, the Summer School of Programming will bring together upper elementary school students who share an interest in programming. This year, participants will have the opportunity to learn programming in two sessions: from July 6th to July 14th, and from July 28th to August 5th.


This school is organized by the Loop Foundation as part of the project "Building the critical computer skills for the future ready workforce", which is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Ministry of Education, with support from the Government of the Republic of Serbia. This year's Summer School of Programming will again be hosted by the Mitrovica Gymnasium.


We received over 300 applications for this year's Summer School of Programming, the highest number so far. The applicants come from 70 municipalities in the Republic of Serbia, with one of the municipalities with the most applications being Sremska Mitrovica, where we also organized this school last year.


The 100 best candidates have been selected to attend the school this summer based on the results achieved in the algorithmic problem-solving knowledge test and the motivation expressed in the application form. The knowledge test contained a total of five tasks of varying difficulty, and candidates solved the tasks using the Python programming language. Based on their performance in the knowledge test, participants will be split into groups so that the Summer School of Programming program can be tailored to their current level of knowledge.


We are especially proud that the number of girls applying and being accepted has been increasing year by year (25% this year), showing that they also want to learn programming, and we will continue to support them to contribute to greater representation of girls in ICT.


Interestingly, 41% of this year's participants have attended the Summer School of Programming before, indicating that they see value in returning and having the opportunity to learn something new, considering that the program is improved and changed each year.


Below, we have highlighted a few interesting testimonials from past participants about the Summer School of Programming:


"I have attended the Summer School of Programming for the past two years. I liked it a lot; I also started competing. This year, I won 1st place at the municipal level, 2nd at the district level, and qualified for the state level. Last year, I won 3rd place at the state level."


"This group of people is very good, including both the teachers and the students who attend the summer school. At the Summer School of Programming, you learn but also socialize. Also, the lessons we covered in the first Summer School of Programming were very interesting. The teachers are always ready to help with anything."


"If I wanted to explain to a friend why I want to attend the Summer School of Programming, I would tell them that the atmosphere there is very nice, and it's interesting that everyone loves programming as much as I do. It's also appealing that I can improve my programming skills."


We remind you that the Summer School of Programming was first organized in Vršac in August of 2022. 100 upper elementary school students were accommodated in the Student Dormitory, and classes were held at the "Nikola Tesla" School Center. We strive to make each Summer School of Programming better than the previous one, and the feedback we receive from participants and their parents is a big help. It is precisely this praise and constructive criticism that has helped make this year's Summer School of Programming the best so far.