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The Third Summer School of Programming successfully completed

2 months ago

For the third consecutive year, we have organized the Summer School of Programming, which has become a traditional gathering place for students with a special interest in computer science.

The Mitrovica Gymnasium, our long-standing partner, once again opened its doors to us this year where our participants attended classes.  Accommodation for the participants of the Summer School of Programming was provided at the High School Dormitory.


The Summer School of Programming is an activity organized by the Loop Foundation as part of the project "Building the critical computer skills for the future ready workforce," implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in partnership with the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.


With a record number of applications this year, we have demonstrated a growing interest in programming among children. Our team of authors and lecturers prepared a curriculum focused on working with Python and its 2D graphics library, Pygame. After learning theory and doing practice exercises, the participants also worked on independent projects, through which they applied their acquired knowledge, showcasing their creativity and technical skills.


In addition to the classes held, interested boys and girls had the opportunity to review additional math and physics subjects at the Dormitory with the help of the lecturers, further enhancing their skills in using the Pygame library. This segment further strengthened the students’ connection between theoretical and practical.


A special charm of the Summer Schools are the extracurricular activities, designed to give participants a chance to relax while also developing team spirit and additional skills. Visits to the Special Nature Reserve "Zasavica", a tour of Sremska Mitrovica, a knowledge quiz, a workshop with Microbit devices, and a tower-building workshop using straws enriched the experience and created unforgettable memories.


The lectures on smart and safe online behavior delivered by the colleagues from the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, as well as a lecture on working in the gaming industry given by experts in this field were also of note.


Evaluation questionnaires were sent to all participants and their parents immediately after the Summer School of Programming concluded. Here you can see how they rated the Summer School of Programming and what takeaways they had from their stay in Sremska Mitrovica below