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The 16th Bubble Cup has Ended

пре 2 године

The final of the 16th consecutive Bubble Cup competition for university and high school students, organized with the support of the Microsoft Development Centre Serbia, was held at the end of Septembe

The Bubble Cup competition, which is always followed by everyone having a good time socializing, is well-known among people who enjoy solving algorithmic problems. For those who may not have had the opportunity to hear, Bubble Cup is a team programming competition intended for high school and university students aged 15 to 24, which we implement with the support of the Microsoft Development Centre in Serbia. Launched in 2008 by a group of enthusiasts, the competition aims to attract talented developers from across the country and promote the values of communication, camaraderie and teamwork.


The final of this year's Bubble Cup 16 competition was held on Saturday, 23 September live at the Microsoft Development Centre Serbia.


This year, in the category for university students (Premier League), eight teams competed, and the first place was won by the Infinity team, while in the category for high school students (Rising Stars), which consisted of 9 teams, the first place went to the Old Folder team.


The complete ranking list can be found on the following link: