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Tiktokers Accepted a Challenge to Develop the Algorithmic Spirit with a #TechTokChallenge

2 years ago

We challenged 6 tiktokers to step into the world of programming and unique problem-solving.

Algorithmic thinking is becoming an indispensable skill in today's world, which allows us to solve the challenges we face effectively. This time, we decided to create a Challenge and invited 6 tiktokers to embark on an adventure of solving tasks and developing algorithmic ways of thinking and learning through Petlja's courses.


🧠💻What is the #TechTokChallenge?

#TechTokChallenge is a specially designed challenge with tasks taken from Petlja's courses found on the net.kabinet platform, made for 6 different tiktokers and adapted to their level of knowledge and experience. 


⚙️💡Why is this important?

Algorithmic thinking is key when it comes to the modern approach to solving a variety of problems and it can be a very useful skill in several fields. It allows us to solve problems in an efficient, logical and structured way, which is the core of the modern approach to problem-solving.


See how our tiktokers did and join the #TechTokChallenge.


#TechTokChallenge is part of the project "Building the critical computer skills for the future ready workforce " implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in partnership with the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.