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Impression Videos: Lecturers and Participants Talk about the Winter School of Open Data

6 years ago

The Petlja Foundation organised a one-month programme for social sciences and humanities students, which focused on open data analysis.

Participants and lecturers of the Winter School of Open Data for Social Sciences and HumanitiesStudents shared their impressions after finishing this one-month programme.

The Winter School of Open Data for Social Sciences and HumanitiesStudents project lasted one month, during which 30 selected participants had the opportunity to learn more about the concept of open data, how to process, analyse and finally visualise the data using the Python programming language and environment Jupiter. 

This project is supported by the Open Data - Open Opportunities project, implemented by the Office of Information Technology and eGovernment and the United Nations Development Programme, with the support of the World Bank and the United Kingdom Good Governance Fund.