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Girls belong in IT

4 months ago

We organized two workshops for elementary school girls in collaboration with the employees of the Microsoft Development Center Serbia.

On Tuesday, June 12th, we organised two workshops named “MDCS Cosmos – how you see it” and “Hello World is the Big Bang” as a part of the Girls Know IT” initiative. Over 30 elementary school girls from Šabac and Belgrade attended the workshops held at the premises of the Development Center. 


At the start of the program, the attendees were greeted by Tanja Petrović, a senior product manager from the Microsoft Development Center, and Milan Simić, the director of the Loop Foundation. They shared their career paths and experiences working with a team with the students, emphasizing the importance of believing in their abilities and exploring the opportunities that new technologies bring daily.


The students had the chance to speak with five MDCS employees about what their average workday looks like and the requirements of bringing a product from an idea to its realization. After the conversation, the students expressed their impressions on paper and formed groups that created drawings which depicted the "MDCS Cosmos", reflecting their expectations regarding work in the IT industry. The goal of this workshop was to interest girls in IT careers and to dispel any fears and prejudices they might have about this field.


The second workshop, titled "Hello World is the Big Bang," demonstrated to the students that an algorithmic way of thinking and breaking down larger tasks into smaller steps are essential for programming. With the help of their mentors, the students learned how loops and matrices work, and with their newly acquired knowledge, they created a tic-tac-toe game in Python.