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Digital World for All Grades is Available on net.kabinet

2 years ago

Materials for all four grades of the subject Digital World have been published on the online platform net.kabinet on the portal.

Starting with this academic year, the Digital World became a compulsory subject in the fourth grade of primary school for the first time. This completes the cycle of introducing the Digital World subject in lower grades.


The team of authors engaged by the Petlja Foundation has created new courses for the Digital World subject taught in the first, second and fourth grades, which are fully in line with the official curriculum. These courses are available on the online platform net.kabinet on the portal. The course which covers the third grade has been made available previously. All courses are published as open educational resources.


Introducing the subject Digital world in the lower grades of primary schools is meant to allow children to see, from a young age, that digital devices are all around us, and to teach them how to use those devices safely. Algorithmic way of thinking emerges as a special thematic area. In the fourth grade, students will have the opportunity to better understand algorithms with the help of Karel the Robot and thus master some of the basic programming concepts in an interesting and interactive way.


All materials were created within the project "Building the critical computer skills for the future ready workforce " implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in partnership with the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.