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Changes in leadership in Petlja - well-known faces, new positions, and reinforcements in our team

7 months ago

Spring has brought important changes in our organisation, which we believe represent a significant step towards achieving our goals.

In the year when artificial intelligence became a key topic, our previous director, Nebojša Vasiljević, recognized its potential and, guided by the new circumstances brought by AI, decisively embraced the new challenge. Within our organization, Nebojša will fully dedicate himself to the application of artificial intelligence in education, and as of April 1, he officially took the position of Director for Artificial Intelligence.


Since Nebojša's new position brings new responsibilities, taking this step would not have been possible without Milan Simić, the right person to take over the leadership of the organization. Milan joined our team in September 2023 as a Development Advisor, and at the end of the same year, he accepted the role of Deputy Director, and since April, he has been the Director of the Petlja Foundation.


Milan has spent most of his career building his experience as a software engineer and team leader in Microsoft, and he is now ready to face new challenges brought by leading our team towards innovation and achieving our goal - supporting young generations in developing digital skills for the jobs of the future.


Finally, our Board of Directors has also got reinforcements this year. We are proud of the fact that Dragan Tomić has joined our Board. He currently holds the position of VP of Engineering at the-well known company Databricks.