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Gen-D - Elementary Coding Curriculum

The idea behind the "Gen-D – Nurturing a Digital Future" program is to contribute to the digital transformation in education by creating learning materials for programming, designed by the Petlja Foundation. The partner organisations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Serbia will work on the localization of the offered materials in order to support and improve educational standards in their respective countries.
The Petlja Foundation is one of the partners on the project implemented by Propulsion powered by Microsoft through the Microsoft Philanthropies programme.

The team of authors from the Petlja Foundation created interactive learning materials for programming, divided into three levels:

● Level 1 - The first level is an introduction to block programming with the help of Micro:bit, Lego EV3 Mindstorm robots and Minecraft, as well as Scratch programming language materials

● Level 2 - The second level represents the transition to textual programming in the Python programming language and learning 2D graphics and animation by using the Pygame library.

● Level 3 - The third level is dedicated to analyzing and presenting data using Jupyter and Python.