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Summer School of Programming application

Before you is the application form for the Summer School of Programming. The first part you will fill out together with your parents or guardians regardless of your age, so it's best to call them to join you if they're not already with you. You will fill out the section about your previous experience with programming by yourself. After the applications end, an email with additional information and a link to a test in a textual programming language (Python) will be sent to the email address you provided. Based on the test results, groups will be formed so that students attend a program adapted to their prior knowledge. Please note that we reserve the right to organize a second round of testing, and anyone caught cheating will be automatically disqualified.

Applications are open until June 14, 2024, at 17:00.

This school is intended for talented and motivated elementary school students who want to expand their knowledge of solving algorithmic problems and learn how to create games using the Pygame library. You can only be a participant in this year's Summer School if you have completed one of the older grades of elementary school this year. If you haven't, we suggest you regularly check our website and keep an eye on activities suitable for your age group. The Summer School of Programming is completely free; just keep in mind that it's in Sremska Mitrovica, and unfortunately, we can't provide transportation. In addition to learning and solving tasks, it also includes a series of extracurricular activities.

The number of participants is limited to 100 participants divided into two shifts of 50 each. The terms are from July 6th to July 14th, 2024, and from July 28th to August 5th, 2024. We will send you and your parents or guardians the results of the testing and information about whether you have been accepted no later than June 24th, 2024.

The Summer School of Programming is organized by the Loop Foundation as part of the project "Building Key Computing Competencies - Towards the Workforce of the Future," implemented by the UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Za popunjavanje ovog formulara tebi i tvojim roditeljima ili starateljima neće trebati više od 15 minuta .

To fill out the application form for the Summer School of Programming, you need to be logged in to your account on Petlja. If you haven't created an account yet, don't worry, creating one only takes a few minutes. You can find detailed instructions on how to create an account here. If you need additional assistance, you can always email us at Once you log in, you'll be able to access the application form for the Summer School of Programming.