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General conditions for receiving monetary donations from individuals

The Petlja Foundation would like to thank all donors in advance for their support and we hope you keep following our work and taking part in our activities.

Basic information about the Loop Foundation

The Loop Foundation (hereinafter: the Foundation) was established on April 11, 2017, with the aim of improving algorithmic literacy in Serbia and is registered with the Serbian Business Registers Agency (sr. Agencija za privredne registre) with the following information:

Name: Loop Foundation
Organizational form: Foundation
Registration number: 28830122
Tax Identification number (PIB): 109988783
Seat: Belgrade (Stari grad), Kosovska 1, 1st floor, apartment 2
Foundations code and activity: 9499 – Other organisation activity based on membership

Other contact information:
Phone: +381601534821

Donation possibilities for individuals:

A monetary donation is a voluntary, unconditional, and non-refundable giving of money by the donor without expecting a service or compensation in return. The Foundation is committed to using donations in accordance with the goals set by the Foundation’s statute.

An individual can donate in the following ways:

Donation withdrawals and refunds of funds paid

A donor has the right to withdraw their donation within 30 days from the date of payment if they are not satisfied with how the Foundation is using it or if they have another justified reason. The donor should send an email to the Foundation at with a request for a refund, providing precise details about the payment and the reason for withdrawing the donation. For properly submitted requests, the Foundation will refund the donor in the same manner as the payment was made, within 15 days of receiving the request. The Petlja Foundation is obliged to process refunds for donations made by card payment exclusively through VISA, EC/MC, and Maestro payment methods, which means that the bank will process the refund to the cardholder's account at the request of the Petlja Foundation.

Privacy and Transaction Data Protection

In the name of the Petlja Foundation, we commit to protecting the privacy of all our customers. We collect only the necessary basic information about customers/users and the information necessary for business operations and user notifications in accordance with good business practices and to provide quality service. We offer customers the option to choose, including the decision on whether or not they want to be removed from mailing lists used for marketing campaigns. All user/customer data is strictly protected and only accessible to employees who need the information to perform their job. All employees of the Petlja Foundation (and business partners) are responsible for adhering to the principles of privacy protection.

In order to secure the data we process, we always strive to apply the necessary standards in the protection of personal data, and to apply all necessary measures of technical, organizational, and personnel protection in accordance with the requirements of the current Law on Personal Data Protection.

Currency conversion

All payments are made in the domestic currency of the Republic of Serbia - dinar (RSD). In the case of an informative display of donation amounts in other currencies, the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia will be used.

When donating by credit card, the amount that will be charged to the donor’s payment card may be converted into the currency to which the payment card is linked at the rate used by the card organizations, which are not known to the Foundation at the time of the transaction. As a result of this conversion, there may be a small difference between the amount stated on our website in a certain currency and the amount in the same currency for which the payment card is charged.

VAT Statement

Value Added Tax (VAT) is included in the price, with no hidden costs. VAT is not charged for donations up to 100,000 RSD in a single calendar year from one individual.

Questions and support

If you have any questions or doubts feel free to contact us at our e-mail address or by phone at +381601534821

Validity and changes of conditions

The conditions that were valid on the day of the donation are applied to the donation, and the Foundation reserves the right to change the conditions in the future. These general conditions are in effect from April 22, 2024, when they were also published on the Foundation’s website.