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Classes held on the use of micro:bits within the "Schools for the 21st Century" project

7 months ago

As part of a targeted support effort to schools in implementing the Digital World subject, we visited schools and conducted classes on the application of micro:bits.

In collaboration with the Institute for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education (Srp. Zavod za vrednovanje kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja) and the British Council, which funds the project implementation, we selected 10 elementary schools in Kraljevo, Ub, Kikinda, Koceljeva, Vršac, and Belgrade.  We visited these schools from February 28th to March 18th, 2024, and on these that occasion, our trainers, with the help of primary school teachers, held Digital World classes for third and fourth grade students, giving them the opportunity to get acquainted with micro:bits.


Students, along with their teachers, created animations for micro:bits and made a step tracker. The aim of the classes was to stimulate creativity, innovation, and develop algorithmic thinking in students, and to provide support to primary school teachers. Representatives from the Institute, British Council, and the Petlja Foundation also attended the classes.


The classes left a positive impression on the students; most of them emphasized that using micro:bit devices was completely new to them. They found the classes interesting, and, as they themselves say, classes never passed so quickly. Many of them also showed interest in working with micro:bits again.


This initiative is part of a pilot project jointly implemented by the British Council and the Institute for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education as part of targeted support to schools in implementing the Digital World subject, and our broader efforts to support the digitization of education and empower teachers and students in using recent technologies in the classroom.


We remind you that during the first phase of the "Schools for the 21st Century" project, the Petlja Foundation team created three manuals with numerous examples of micro:bit device application in Computer Science and Technology and Engineering classes, in addition to numerous trainings for teachers.


All manuals follow official educational programs, are free and are available at the following link.